Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Flipped Classroom Arrangement

Below is a short video of how I arranged my classroom. My students love it!  As the camera moves around my room you will see the following: My concept board, desks turned to form groups of 6 students (Teams A-E), the four desktop computers, the pick-up table (as my students enter, they pick up their activity sheets and SAP for the week so that I don't have to take the time to hand them out), and the Intervention Zone (where I will be pulling small groups to teach misconceptions). 


Updated photos of my classroom (Spring 2013):
This is my teacher desk area that has my document camera and my cart where I mainly model and demonstrate from as well as record videos from.
This is the Pick-Up Table where my students pick up their SAPs each Monday and the paper work that goes along with it for the week.  The red organizer is for my use only.  It's been the BEST organizer ever!  On the left side, I place all graded work for that class period in those slots.  On the right side, those slots are used for those who are absent.  My Team Leaders now collect all materials from the pick-up table for me and place the SAP on top of the organized paperwork for those who are absent on their team.  All I have to do it pick it up, paper clip it and slide it inside the absent slot of that class (which now the student will have ALL the paperwork for the ENTIRE WEEK!!.  It's that EASY!!

The blue crate below the pick-up table is where my students house their over-due library books.  I usually send a student to the LRC to deliver them for the other students in my class.  It eliminates a lot of traffic in the halls during my class periods.   
This is one of my favorite spots in the room.  It's still a work in progress, but this is my INTERVENTION ZONE where I pull students who failed a concept (daily grade, quiz, and test) to see what misconceptions they still have.  I have extra chairs in case I have other students who want to join us even though they may have passed a concept.  It's also used to tutor students who were absent, still confused about a skill learned from my videos, or if students need questions answered in private.  This is fun for me because I also get to build relationships up close and personal...where they are not around their actual team members. 
This is my Organizer Bin.  I explain the contents of this bin HERE. 


When my students enter my room, they are to be seated at their HOME-BASE seat.  This means that they have been assigned a seat in a group in which I know they will not cause problems when there is a substitute.  There are times when they stay in their home-base seat or I might randomly choose their groups depending on the activity (my students place his/her name on a small index card at the beginning of the year so that it will officially be random when I call their name out) or they may work with anyone they feel comfortable with for that day.  If they get to choose who they work with, they already have been given a warning about my expectations regarding how to stay on task, focused, and engaged in the activity.  Once they give me a reason why they aren't, they will be seated back at their home-base seat. 

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